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Reduce yoursimulation cost by 5x

One stop solution for Molecular Simulation services and Analysis. Powered by next-gen Nvidia GPU clusters for faster and affordable molecular simulations.


Kapsid Simulations is a part of the BioSymphony Private Limited, making molecular simulations easier and affordable for reseachers, academic and industry professionals. We are a small self-funded team focused on performance, computaional infrastructure, and AI. We have 2 full-time staff and an incredible set of advisors.

Rajani Karmakar
Director, Biosymphony private Limited.
Previously: Researcher at Max Planck Biophysics
Raja Karmakar
Director, Biosymphony Private Limited.
Previously: Founder-ExoMushrooms, Biologist
Dr. Jayashrita Debnath
Researcher at Max Planck Biophysics, Previously: Researcher at ETH Zurich
Dr. Kush Coshic
Researcher at Max Planck Biophysics, Previously: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Research and Engineering
Koulik  Amit  Sweta  Rohit  Kavya  Maike

We're a small, self-funded, fully-distributed team and we're actively hiring! Come help us scale, explore, and build infrastructure focused on amplifying the Simulation research. If you're sure you can help, but don't see a position that fits, email us at We look forward to hearing from you.


If you are someone looking for faster and affordable simulation services, you can definetly contact us. For simulation services or inquiries related to our services, please write us at You can also contact us through our contact form.

Schedule a free meeting

Contact us today to schedule a free meeting with one of our research experts. We can discuss your particular simulation requirements and provide you with a detailed quote.

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